I felt completely in control the entire time and was able to make informed choices along the way. THANK YOU for playing such a huge role in our positive experience. I know the education you provided us with had the biggest impact and it was the best investment we could have made.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for playing such a huge role in changing my mind-set and self-belief that I could have a normal physiological and beautiful birth (AND I DID!!)
At 25 weeks my membranes ruptured (waters broke) and I was quickly transferred to Melbourne to be at a tertiary centre with a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). When my membranes ruptured this early (PPROM), I knew that there was a very high chance labour would come on and I was terrified at the thought of having an extremely premature baby, but even more so as my home was over 3 hours from a NICU. I was extremely fortunate that I was transferred to Melbourne and that I did not go into labour despite having ruptured my membranes.
I was also extremely lucky that an infection didn’t develop (much higher risk of this happening with PPROM) as this would have been an indication for delivery preterm. I spent a week as an inpatient with monitoring and after a week in hospital, I was discharged to outpatient care with monitoring occurring in hospital twice weekly. Once I was discharged I was very aware that it was highly likely I would birth prematurely so I booked into Calmbirth with Amy and attended this course at 30 weeks pregnant with my partner David.
To be honest, prior to attending Calmbirth I was absolutely terrified of birth. I am a NICU nurse and have attended many births in my career. For the majority of these births, there was high level of intervention for medical reasons (e.g. emergency c-sections, instrumental births) with many different professionals present at the birth given the high-risk nature. The majority of babies at these births also needed some degree of resuscitation once they were born.
I remember saying to Amy at the start of our Calmbirth course that I was fearful of birth and despite witnessing many births, had never perceived birth as something that could be a ‘beautiful’ experience.
I went into premature labour at 35+1 weeks pregnant. At 4am, I experienced cramping so I drove myself to the Emergency Department and David headed down to Melbourne from home at this time (3 hours away). I was assessed in birth suite on admission and was 4-5cm. One of my friends came to support me as David wasn’t there yet.
I spent a couple of hours in the shower which was incredible pain relief (I’ve never understood how this could be a form of pain relief but my gosh it worked wonders). I managed in the shower with breathing, visualisation and movement. I had the CTG monitor on in the shower the whole time as well. I even said to myself throughout labour “things are going brilliantly well” when I spewed in the shower and thought I needed to do a poo. My midwife moved me to the bed with a peanut ball in the side-lying position. I started using the nitrous gas to help me through the contractions until my body was involuntarily pushing.
David arrived at 8:41am and George was born at 8:50am on the 15th March, which just happened to be my birthday as well. He was the best birthday present I could have asked for!
George screamed as soon as his head was out which was the biggest relief. He didn’t require any resuscitation and we had skin to skin for an hour before he was taken to SCN (Special Care Nursery)
I felt completely in control the entire time and was able to make informed choices along the way. THANK YOU for playing such a huge role in our positive experience. I know the education you provided us with had the biggest impact and it was the best investment we could have made.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for playing such a huge role in changing my mind-set and self-belief that I could have a normal physiological and beautiful birth (AND I DID!!)
The Calmbirth course and you helped me to remove fear and empower me to believe that I could have a beautiful birth. I truly felt that it was such a beautiful birth and the two midwives caring for us kept saying how beautiful it was and how well I managed.
He’s now 6 weeks old and I feel like I’ve fully recovered and I’m feeling great!