October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and, in a world, where we have seen the uprise of cancel culture and trigger warnings on almost everything…it’s important that we don’t erase or silence conversations about grief or talking about someone’s loss.
Grief is a profound and universal human experience, but when it comes to the loss of a baby, it’s a heart-wrenching journey that few can truly comprehend. Losing a child, no matter how early in pregnancy or late in infancy, leaves a lasting impact on parents and families that is impossible to quantify.
Carrying a baby for nine months and expecting to come home with your baby to his/her nursery for some parents is not the case as they come home with empty hands and shattered hearts, of memories and a life with their baby they have been robbed of.
This often leaves family and friends feeling like they don’t know what to say to offer support or understanding during this difficult time.
The Complexity of Grief
Grief is a complex and highly individualized process, and there’s no “right” way to grieve the loss of a baby. People may experience a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to guilt and confusion. It’s essential to understand that everyone’s journey through grief is unique, and there is no timeline for healing.
The Importance of Acknowledging Your Feelings
One of the most crucial aspects of grieving the loss of a baby is allowing yourself to acknowledge and express your feelings. Many parents feel pressure to “move on” or “get over it” quickly, but this is neither healthy nor realistic. It’s okay to grieve, to cry, to be angry, and to talk about your feelings with loved ones or a therapist. The more you open up about your emotions, the more support you will receive.
Connecting with Support Systems
During such a difficult time, it’s essential to lean on your support systems. Share your grief with your partner, friends, and family. Seek out support groups and online communities of parents who have experienced a similar loss; they can provide valuable insights and a sense of belonging. Some organisations that may help are:
SANDS – Miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death support: https://www.sands.org.au
Bears of Hope: Pregnancy and infant loss support https://www.bearsofhope.org.au
Red Nose Australia http://www.rednosegriefandloss.org.au/
The Pink Elephants Support Network: https://www.pinkelephants.org.au/
Honoring Your Baby’s Memory
Creating rituals or ceremonies to honour and remember your baby can be a healing and comforting process. These rituals can help you create a lasting memory of your child and provide a sense of closure. Some ideas include planting a tree, lighting a candle on special occasions, or keeping a journal. But most importantly is to keep talking about your baby to keep their memory alive.
Seeking Professional Help
Grieving the loss of a baby can be overwhelming, and it’s entirely okay to seek professional help. Grief counselling or therapy can provide a safe space for you to work through your feelings and develop coping strategies. Please refer to the organisaitons previously mentioned for grief and loss support.
Embracing Hope
While it may seem impossible, hope can be found in the midst of grief. It may take time, but healing is possible. As you navigate the difficult path of grief, remember that there are brighter days ahead. Your baby’s memory will remain in your heart, and the love you have for them will never fade. Some parents heal their loss with a birth of another baby.
Supporting Others in Grief
If you have a friend or family member who is grieving the loss of a baby, it’s crucial to offer your support. Be a compassionate listener, avoid offering unsolicited advice, and let them grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Your presence, love, and understanding can be invaluable and the beginning of their grieving and healing process.
To the parents and families who are hurting, whether it be a recent loss, or a loss that you’ve held in your heart for a long time; you are seen.. Whether you held your baby in your arms or in your heart, your loss matters.
For support:
SANDS (24/7)- 1300 308 307
PANDA (Mon-Sat)- 1300 726 306