Story by Linda & Kris
“Calmbirth prepared Kris and myself emotionally and mentally for childbirth allowing us to create a beautifully calm and loving environment to welcome our gorgeous little man.”
I was very nervous about the pending arrival of our first baby and was recommended to try Calmbirth classes by our obstetrician. My partner Kris and I booked into Cherie’s classes.
Going into the classes I was excited, and my partner skeptical, about how much we would learn in 2 days. By the end of the classes we had a very different perspective going into childbirth. Calmbirth gave us the tools and guidance to prepare ourselves with the possibilities of what happens before, during and after labour. My partner Kris definitely surprised as to how much partners can assist during labour.
The day I was due, after discussion with our obstetrician opted to be induced. I was induced at around 8pm and stayed the night with my partner with all our labour tools and snacks packed for the big night/day ahead. Funnily enough with all our preparation with all our little tools and tricks, we didn’t use a single one. Around 10-11pm I started to get lower pelvic pain. The pain would come in waves and I would try and sleep between them. By 3am they were very uncomfortable and by this stage Kris was awake. I hadn’t realised at this stage I was actually having contractions. When I had mentioned the pain to the midwife, she would just say, “that he was just getting into position.” In hindsight this was probably a good thing. By 7am the midwives suggested a shower and then to walk around to the birthing suite. I laid on the bed with monitors attached to me with the waves of pain increasing with smaller breaks in between. I was offered gas which I had as it helped me to concentrate on controlling my breathing. By 8am I was 10cm dilated and our little man Wyatt arrived 8:27am on the 5/2/2020.
Calmbirth prepared Kris and myself emotionally and mentally for childbirth allowing us to create a beautifully calm and loving environment to welcome our gorgeous little man.
Cherie was wonderful and highly recommend her Calmbirth classes.