Story by Mahalia
Welcome Juniper Lee
“Both Joseph and I are so grateful for all the things we learnt through the Calmbirth course with you and really want to thank you. We handled everything so much better than we would have without having done it”.
Just thought I would let you know that we welcomed our little one last Saturday the 9th at 7:04pm, she weighed 3.81kgs (I was overdue (41+3) and she wasn’t a lga – surprise surprise )
I naturally went into labor and was at it for 25hrs before I agreed to let them try syntocinon to up the contractions (I think at that stage I was at about 5cm), I had only had gas up until that point.
They also broke my water and I couldn’t use the bath afterwards because of meconium. They did have the Bluetooth monitor but the worst part of the whole experience was a midwife and a student midwife mucking around and trying to get it to work properly for literally an hour before finally listening to me and going back to the other one. (Thought I’d tell you that if it might potentially save someone else from that experience).
When they started the syntocinon her heart rate kept dropping. We tried a few times but it kept happening.
So my options were to continue to try naturally without syntocinon, have an epidural to relax my cervix more and hopefully dialate quicker or to have a spinal anaesthetic and have a c-section. We went for the c-section as that’s what the doctor was pushing and we are so glad we did.
It turned out that her cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times and all the midwives said she would have died if I kept trying so we are so glad we ended up going with that option despite it being the exact opposite birth we imagined.
Both Joseph and I are so grateful for all the things we learnt through the Calmbirth course with you and really want to thank you. We handled everything so much better than we would have without having done it.
We can’t explain how happy we are now that we have her in our lives.
Her name is Juniper Lee Miller
#birthstory #calmbirthwithcherie