Here is her incredibly inspiring birth story…written by her AMAZING Mama Kristen & supported by her wonderful Dad Michael
I was terrified of birth before attending Cass’ Calmbirth class & I truly believe we would’ve had a much different (more stressful) experience if we hadn’t utilised all that we learnt.
At 38+3 days I was diagnosed with Cholestasis & was told I needed to be induced that day. They did a cervical exam & I was already 2cm dilated.
Due to the birth suite being full, I was able to go home & monitor my baby’s movements & if anything changes to come to ED, otherwise come back for induction two days later
I left the hospital in tears & spent the whole day & night obsessed & anxious about the baby’s movements.
I woke up the next day with cramping & when they became more regular I realised I was in spontaneous labour- no induction needed!!
Mike & I managed my labour for 9 hours at home, using all of the techniques taught to us from the Calmbirth Classes
I got to the hospital at 830pm & was 5cm dilated. I was given some panadeine forte & gas.
My waters broke by 10pm.
After 15 minutes of pushing on all fours, working with my body (by this stage the ‘calmness’ had gone & I screamed through every contraction, which also helped), I REACHED DOWN & PULLED MY BABY GIRL ONTO MY CHEST!
It was the most INCREDIBLE experience of my life
I can’t believe I did it!
Mike & I used all of the tools & techniques from Calmbirth throughout the whole birthing journey from home til she was in our arms.
I honestly could not have done it without Michael… he kept me focused & on track throughout.
Warm showers, a heat pack on my lower back, Mike counting my breaths & telling me when I was close to completing a ‘wave’, lots of affection & affirmations from Mike & the Hip Squeeze during a contraction were all life savers!
We honestly can’t thank Cass enough.
Kristen xx
How does it get any better than that?!!! My heart sings with happiness
#naturalbirth #withknowledgecomesconfidence #spontaneouslabour #theresnobirthlikeacalmbirth#partnersupportedbirth #calmbirthtechniques