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Warrior Woman

Birth Stories

The following birth story is from a woman who attended my Calmbirth workshops last year. Many years earlier she had experienced a birth filled with fear, anxiety and trauma. This experience caused her to seek another way to birth, one filled with knowledge and confidence. Jodie shares her birth story here:

By Jodie & Daniel

Oh Robyn, I got so much out of your Calmbirth classes and it helped incredibly during Jacks super speedy birth. My waters broke at 3.05a.m., and with no labour pains whatsoever I called the hospital to let them know, then went back to bed to try and sleep. I listened to the Calmbirth tracks and managed to sleep until 7a.m. I woke up a couple of times with slight pains in my lower stomach but the tracks kept putting me back to sleep. …

I still felt fine so carried on and had breakfast and called the midwife as previously suggested by them. They asked me to come in for an assessment, but I wanted to stay home for a bit longer and we agreed that I would have a bath and then head into the hospital.

I lasted 20 mins in the bath with regular light period like cramps but thought I best get checked out, so we drove to the hospital at 09.00 a.m. for a check up. I was 7-8cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it, and I wasn’t in any pain until after the internal assessment!!

I was moved to the birthing room at 09:50 hrs. Whilst on my knees I listened to the Calmbirth tracks, and had my partner use my “Calm Mamma Mist’ (Peppermint, wild orange and lavender oils) and I would smell a vial of peppermint for nausea. I drank water and raspberry leaf tea throughout and at the height of my contractions I would have heat packs and pressure to my sacrum. While I was pushing I had my music playing and this calmed me down so that I could focus on the pressure I was feeling and focus on my breathing, so, within 2 hrs at 10.53 a.m. and one week early, our beautiful Jack arrived, weighing 7lb.6oz., and I am so proud to say that I did it!!! I used no drugs, and had a natural birth.

So thankyou again to my Calmbirth Educator Robyn for your wonderful classes and for teaching me that childbirth can be calm and peaceful.

I would actually say that my labour was something amazing and I felt like a warrior woman when he arrived.

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