What if you went into labour thinking that 60% of the time you’d be resting?
That you have the opportunity and a choice to rest your mind and body for more than half the labour journey…
An established labour pattern can look like 4 contractions in a 10 minute period, lasting a minute, that are strong (taking up all of your attention)
4 minutes of effort filled work in a 10 minute period
6 minutes of complete rest in a 10 minute period
At Calmbirth, I really enjoy teaching the break down of what could be a 24 hour process. Offering bite sized, manageable mindset shifts, a change of pysche, positive affirmations and mantras so that you can stay present in the moment and keeping your baby in mind throughout the whole labour and birthing experience
Come join me for two days of evidence based content, conversation and connection. Location – Chirnside Park