By Lisa & Dylan
Throughout our pregnancy our baby was small, in the 3rd percentile, needing to be monitored closely. I was trying to stay calm but had to be open that the baby may have to come early if anything changed – meditating and trying to trust this body. Hoping for a small and mighty little one.
Welcome Barnaby William Craw
Born 2nd May 2020
1620g, 42cm
At 36 weeks, after not feeling like things were right over the past 24 hours we came in for a check up and very quickly a Caesarean section was planned. The placenta showed signs of calcification, to be confirmed by pathology. I’m very sore and it was all rather traumatic- he was transverse! Little dude just had too much space to move and reposition!
We will be in here for a few weeks but hope he thrives now.
We really enjoyed the Calmbirth course. It helped calm us both, gave us great insight and lots of tools to work with so we can have the best experience in the journey through pregnancy and birth. Having the classes held via Zoom was no barrier. It actually gave us something to look forward to in out normal quiet evenings. We were still able to connect to other couples and makes it more exciting when we all get to meet in person. Thanks for the Calmbirth course. We will recommend it to others.