By Peta Southan
We wanted to thank Calmbirth as we 100% believe that Calmbirth had such a huge influence on our positive birth experience of our baby boy, Harrison. My husband Richard and I both felt empowered, educated and calm welcoming our first child into the world-and unexpectedly eight days early.
Our beautiful little boy Harrison Richard Southan born was born on 04/04/2019 weighting 3.5kgs. Harrison is six weeks old now and is a healthy and happy little boy.
Before attending Calmbirth, I was absolutely terrified of giving birth. I was so terrified that it effected my entire pregnancy in a negative way. I was very detached, anxious and closed off to the whole concept of birth. In my opinion, the less I knew about birth, the better! My midwife picked up on my anxiety and suggested Calmbirth, I was hesitant and didn’t particularly want to attend, but I am so unbelievably glad that I did. I felt like a weight had been lifted and I was able to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy as this dooming fear and anxiety had been lifted.
On the 04/04/2019 my waters broke unexpectedly, I was asked to come into the hospital (50 mins away) to be assessed. I started having contractions in the car on the way to the hospital, I stayed calm and focused on my breathing. After being assessed at the hospital I was given the option to stay at the hospital or go home, going home previously would never had been an option for me but due to what I’d learnt at Calmbirth I felt confident and empowered to go home and labour in my own home where I felt comfortable safe and less anxious. At 8pm we left the Campelltown Hospital to drive back to Mittagong.

It was a long night; Richard was the most amazing support person. Never leaving my side, encouraging me to focus on my breathing, keeping me hydrated, dimming all lights, running hot baths and playing the meditations we received from our Calmbirth course. Richard communicated regularly via phone to our midwife and with his support I was able to stay home as long as possible and get through the contractions. At 7am I was ready to go to the hospital.
We met our midwife in the birthing suite at 8am-I went straight to the showers. My midwife checked me, I was 10cms dilated -I could not believe it – was so proud of myself. My midwife asked if I would like to have a water birth and I gave birth to my son at 9.50am: free from any interventions or drugs and had absolutely no complications or tearing and most importantly a healthy baby.
Our birth was such a positive and an amazing experience that my husband and I will both never forget. I Just wanted to share my birth story and say Thank YOU Calmbirth.