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The arrival of Archer Aaron

Birth Stories

By Christina Kiddle

We just wanted to say Thank YOU Calmbirth and tell you how incredible the Calmbirth program was. We are so grateful for the teaching and the knowledge we gained in our Calmbirth course. I also wanted to share a little glimpse of our birth as it was the most wonderful experience of my life. 


On the 3rd of April my husband and I brought our son, Archer Aaron Kiddle into the world at 8:35pm weighing 3.33kg.

We had a lovely instructor named Janet Phillips and have thanked her for her knowledge and passion. We are certain that the tools we learnt from Calmbirth not only provided us with a calm and positive rest of our pregnancy, but the tools to have the positive and incredible labour we did. The last 3-4weeks leading up to his due date I would listen to the Calmbirth audios everyday, and had up some images and affirmations around the house that when I would look at them I’d do my calm breaths and imagine holding my son.

My husband was the most incredible support person I could’ve asked for and have honestly fallen in love with him all over again.


I had period like cramps every 30-60mins for a couple days. Then, on the Wednesday my waters broke in the late afternoon, I was in active labour for about 3hrs. I got to labour at home in a relaxed comfortable environment. I used a tens machine and laboured in different positions around our room.

I was using my Calm breaths through my contractions and would draw upon my visualisations I had practiced throughout the weeks leading up to the birth. The contractions only ever felt like pressure not pain and I would tell myself my body and my baby knew what to do. I soon felt the urge to push whilst we were at home so then we left for the hospital. Once we arrived my midwife started running the bath as I wished to have a water birth, however my boy was coming so the bath wasn’t ready in time. I got onto the bed on my knees leaning on top of the head of the bed, our boy was born 15mins later.

My husband helped deliver him and passed him onto my chest which without a doubt was the most amazing moment of my life. Because we’re with the Midwife Group Practice program we left about 5hrs later and have been settled at home since. He is happy and healthy and we couldn’t be more grateful for the skills Calmbirth gave us.

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