Story by Alice and Kyra Black
As first time parents, we weren’t sure of what to expect when it came to the birth of our daughter. Our lovely midwife Sally always taught us that knowledge is power, especially during childbirth. With this in mind, we decided to do Calmbirth and cannot recommend it highly enough.

We not only understood what to expect during labour, but how the mind and body work together during this process. We were shown different techniques, exercises and felt empowered that we had the knowledge and skills to have a happy, calm and memorable birth.
Despite my waters breaking, my body never progressed into labour – meaning we had to be induced. After a failed induction, we made the decision to go for a C-Section. For us, the C-Section experience was so special, we were happy, calm and there was a lot of excitement even though plan A didn’t work out. Calmbirth gave us the toolkit we needed to embrace birth, no matter which way it went.