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Getting To Know Calmbirth Educator Shirley Chang


Shirley is a dedicated paediatric nurse with 2 years of experience and an accomplished midwife with 8 years in the field. As a mother of two, Shirley is deeply committed to ensuring women feel confident and empowered during their birth experiences.

“I believe in the innate wisdom of women’s bodies during labur, and I strive to create a safe, calm, and undisturbed environment, allowing them to focus on the birthing process.


“My passion extends to postnatal care, where I offer support in the comfort of the women’s homes. Services include: breastfeeding support, postnatal massage, assistance with daily tasks, newborn care, and postnatal depression observation during the early days.


“I also specialise in providing culturally appropriate confinement-style care for Asian women.”

My Name is… Shirley Chang

I work at… King Edward Memorial Hospital and founder of Naya Birth.

My life in five words… Mother of 2 & loving life.

The best thing about where I live… is it is convenient and close to family and friends.

What I do to relax when I’m not working… I do Brazilian juijitsu in my free time.

I can’t live without…my family.

The person or traits I most admire is… the hard working not giving up type of person.

What I love most about being a Calmbirth Educator… is being able to teach women that they have the power to take control of their own mind and body in labour and birthing without fear.

If I had to describe my own birth experiences in 3 words…beautiful, magical, love.

The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are… partner, adult nappies and a calm mind.

My most memorable moment at as Calmbirth® educator… learning about the mind and how it can change the body chemically.

A favourite quote… “We are the only species of mammal that doubts our ability to give birth. It’s profitable to scare women about birth. But let’s stop it. I tell women: Your body is not a lemon.” – Ina May Gaskin

If you had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes you feel… excited, warm & teary.

You can follow me at @nayabirth

My next Calmbirth courses are:

March 16 & 17
April 20 &21

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