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Getting To Know Calmbirth Educator Michelle Rabbett


I’m Michelle and have been a practicing Midwife for 19yrs.

I was born in England and spent the first 8 years of my career working within a busy NHS hospital, ultimately co-ordinating a busy Birthing Suite. Since moving here to Australia 10yrs ago I have worked in a multitude of models of care including continuity models of care such as Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) and Maternity and Postnatal Support Services (MAPS), private hospitals, a Birth Centre and Delivery Suite – pretty much no matter what model of care you have chosen I’ve got some level of experience within it!!

My passion and drive has always been to promote and encourage a positive birth experience for all. Trusting, and encouraging all women and partners that I meet to have faith and belief, that their body and their baby knows exactly what the right (and therefore perfect) birth is for them.

It is clearly obvious to most birth professionals on a birthing suite which pregnant couples have immersed themselves in the knowledge to assist them on their birthing journey. Calmbirth, to me, is the missing link for many people to empower them on their journey together as a couple to meet their baby and ultimately start their new life as a family.

I’m so grateful to be able to impart the knowledge from this amazing course to as many couples as possible and be part of the movement that is empowering birthing couples to have a journey filled with confidence and faith in their abilities

My name…Michelle Rabbett (soon to be Cliff).

I work at…Sutherland Hospital.

My life in five words…family, sun, ocean, happiness, love.

The best thing about where I live...having everything I love right on my doorstep!

What I do to relax when I’m not working...cups of tea and time with family/at the beach.

I can’t live without...cups of tea!

The person or traits I most admire is…honesty.

What I love most about being a Calmbirth educator…seeing the excitement in couples eyes at the end of the course when they realise they have all the tools they need within themselves!

The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are…positivity, calm and love.

A favourite quote…Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. – John Lennon

If I had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes me feel…it is the most magical moment, the feeling of love and joy in the room is palpable and there are laughter, smiles and tears all together!


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