Bec Eadie is a Registered Midwife, Nurse, and Calmbirth Educator. She is passionate about empowering families through education, to help them navigate pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Bec also holds a Masters in Public Health, and qualifications as a Yoga instructor, with additional certificates in Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga.
“I believe that positive birth experiences come in many forms, and education is one of the best ways to prepare for your biggest adventure yet! As a midwife, I have been looking after women and their families across a variety of settings for over 7 years. I also have two children (and a fur-baby) of my own who continue to teach me new lessons about parenting every day.
“I first came across Calmbirth as a student midwife, I could see the impact the course had on opening the lines of communication between couples, giving them confidence to make informed decisions during their labour and birth, and approaching the experience with a strong and positive mindset. A few years down the line, while planning for my own VBAC, I made Calmbirth an important part of my birth preparation. In all honesty, I thought it would be most beneficial for my husband, as I was already a midwife and I thought I had all the information I needed. However, Calmbirth really allowed me to take my midwife hat off, and view my birth as a completely unique experience, giving me the tools to turn off my analytical mind when I needed to and really embrace the whole amazing birth experience. The evidence-based education program not only helped us make informed decisions, but also gave us the tools to work through some of the more challenging physical aspects of labour and birth. After my transformative second birth, I knew that I wanted to become a Calmbirth educator.”
My name…Bec Eadie.
I work as…a midwife at Buderim Private Hospital.
My life in five words…Family, Food, Beach, Birth & Babies.
The best thing about where I live…The beautiful beaches, and the sunshine.
What I do to relax when I’m not working…Yoga, head to the dog beach with the family, read a book or watch a movie (and eat chocolate!)
I can’t live without…Daily chats with my sister or mum..and coffee!
The person or traits I most admire is…When I think of the people I most admire (there are many) they possess in spades, generosity, compassion, kindness, determination, and drive.
What I love most about being a Calmbirth educator...The opportunity to meet so many different families, to hear their stories, and have the privilege of being a part of such an important life changing time in their lives.
If I had to describe my own birth experiences in 3 words…Challenging, euphoric, transformational.
The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are…A trusted support person, a labour ‘toolkit’ (this will look different for everyone) and a camera!
My most memorable moment as Calmbirth® educator…Hearing from couples about how Calmbirth has positively impacted their pregnancy and birth experience. Especially in challenging situations, knowing it has contributed in a helpful way to their ability to navigate tough decisions in a way that feels right for them, is really rewarding.
A favourite quote…“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” Rajneesh
If I had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes me feel...Absolute joy, awe and reverence.
You can follow me at…
Facebook: Birthing Energy
I run small group classes monthly, alternating locations between Parrearra (Sunshine Coast), and Samford (North Brisbane) at the Samford Community Hub – 2204 Mount Samson Road, Samford Valley. If group classes are sold out, I may also have availability to facilitate private classes to suit your schedule and location, so please feel free to reach out via email for more information if that is of interest to you. I am privileged to be able to share this important time with women and their families, and I really look forward to hearing from you soon!