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Calmbirth really helped us to feel more confident going into the birth!

Birth Stories

Hi Amy,

Josh and I attended your March Calmbirth course.

I gave birth to our baby girl on May the 6th (one day before my due date). We are so grateful that we did your course it really helped us to feel more confident going into the birth.

From what we learnt at Calmbirth, Josh and I created birth preferences including:

–       Josh to announce gender

–       Baby straight on to Shannon for skin to skin

–       Delayed/optimal cord clamping

–       Baby led attachment/ the breast crawl

–       Skin to skin for Josh


My labour started on the morning of the 5th with very light period cramps which I thought were braxton hicks. Contractions started to become really intense that afternoon, we actually went into the hospital late afternoon as I hadn’t felt baby move all day and had CTG monitoring, amniotic fluid checked etc and they confirmed I was in early labour. We were discharged home around 7:30pm and as we were leaving they said to us,  ‘we don’t expect to see you for a long time’ This was not the case haha!

My waters broke at home on the toilet, so we went into the hospital at 12:30am. When they first checked how dilated I was, I was already 10cm! The midwives admitted they thought they’d be sending me home because I was managing to talk through my contractions and that I must have done most of my labouring at home. I only used the tens machine, I was begging for more pain relief but it was too late, Pippa was in a hurry and came into the world at 3:52am

I believe that everything we learnt at your Calmbirth course, especially about birth preferences (which we got all besides the pain relief) really helped me through the different stages of labour, so thank you! We definitely think people need to attend your Calmbirth course especially for first time parents like us.

We are settling in well. Pippa has been kicking goals in all the follow up appointments we’ve had.

Love Shannon, Josh and Pippa

*Birth experience and photographs shared with permission*

Keep kicking goals Shannon, Josh and Pippa, you’re AMAZING!

For more inspiring Calmbirth birth stories, head to @calmbirthwithamy on Instagram!

Or to BOOK a Calmbirth course with Amy go to: https://staging.calmbirth.com.au/educators-profile/?edid=189

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