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Calmbirth Quotes & Affirmation Cards

Birth Preparation


Looking for the ideal baby shower or mother’s day to be present?…Then look no further as Calmbirth has the perfect gift.

These birth quotes & Affirmation cards have been designed by Calmbirth to help inspire and empower you on your birth journey.
They have been especially collated for you, selecting some of our favourites to further complement what you have learnt through our Calmbirth Program and reinforce just how powerful the mind and body connection is in birth.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them for you. To buy yours, or to gift someone words of empowerment & confidence that they will take with them on their birth journey, go to: https://staging.calmbirth.com.au/…/calmbirth-positive-birth…/
Watch this space as we will be giving away some packs as part of our launch in the next coming weeks. 

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