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Calmbirth coming to Sutherland Hospital 2019


Pregnant couples all over the Sutherland shire and surrounding areas are so thrilled and excited that the very sought after antenatal program, Calmbirth, is now going to be available at the Sutherland Hospital in March 2019, So Happy NEW YEAR Sutherland!

Pregnant couples in the Sutherland shire can’t wait to experience and benefit from the very anticipated Calmbirth program, and find out how they too can achieve a positive birth experience and birth out comes with knowledge and confidence.

The Sutherland hospital is so pleased to be collaborating with Calmbirth, and now joins the ranks of other major maternity hospitals in Sydney such as: the NSPH, the SAN and the Royal Hospital for women to offer their pregnant couples this scientifically proven and evidence based childbirth education program as part of their hospital antenatal offerings.

Alisha Dewes, Clinical Midwifery Specialist with over 10 years’ experience throughout all areas of maternity, with a focus and passion for Antenatal Education and Birth will be the Calmbirth Educator teaching Calmbirth at Sutherland Hospital and she says,

“Birth is a unique and transformational phenomenon yet as a society I feel that we have lost true understanding and appreciation for the process. My role is to support mothers and families to reduce fear and anxiety around birth. By empowering women to use their innate inner resources and gain knowledge around the physiology of labour and birth we can reduce unnecessary medical interventions and improve outcomes for families.

“My goal is to break down the barriers for what is ‘normal’ as each birth regardless of outcome should be celebrated as the right of passage that it is. I wish I had access to Calmbirth when I was pregnant with my children and feel blessed to have the opportunity to share Calmbirth with couples at Sutherland Hospital. I promote an all inclusive, fun and interactive learning experience and look forward to launching Calmbirth at Sutherland Hospital in 2019.”

Sutherland Hospital together with their community welcome over 1200 babies each year.
The maternity unit at Sutherland Hospital provides labour and birth care for women experiencing a low risk pregnancy. The birthing unit is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week with anaesthetic cover the whole time.
The unit consists of 5 birthing rooms, each with a large bathroom and bath to accommodate those women who desire a water birth.

The Sutherland hospital has many models of care available and endeavours to support women’s choice during labour and birth, and provide a quality service to families in the Sutherland Shire.

Calmbirth will be officially launched with its first course available in February 2019.

The first Weekday Calmbirth course to be held at Sutherland Hospital will be conducted on Thursday nights starting at 6.00pm till 9.00pm on:
14th March
21 March
28th March 
4th April

Weekend Calmbirth course at Sutherland Hospital
5th & 12th May (2 consecutive Sundays)
to Book YOUR Calmbirth course at Sutherland Hospital go to:
https://www.trybooking.com/YJOL 2 day session link
https://www.trybooking.com/YJOQ 4 evening session link

The ideal time to attend a Calmbirth® course is between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation. Calmbirth is the most TRUSTED and recommended childbirth education program by midwives, obstetricians and GPS’s in Australia. Find out why the Calmbirth program is meeting the physical and emotional needs of pregnant couples, as well as improving birth outcomes for pregnant families all over Australia and abroad.
Tag and tell all your friends that Calmbirth is coming to Sutherland Hospital in 2019.
For more information, visit calmbith.com.au

#sutherlandhospital#hospitalantenatalprogram#qualitychildbirtheducation #scientificallyproven#evidencebased#calmbirthatSutherlandhospital2019 #sutherland



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