“We here at Calmbirth are so excited to be collaborating with such a tremendous and vitally relevant organisation such as COPE. Calmbirth’s entire philosophy is about protecting the emotional wellbeing of couples with their transition into parenthood. We believe that Calmbirth and COPE is the perfect combination and will go along way in improving the emotional wellbeing of new families for generations to come,” says the Director of Calmbirth Karen McClay.
“At COPE, our purpose is to provide expectant and new parents with quality information around the wide range of challenges, that are often experienced on the journey to parenthood, but are often not spoken about openly.
“By opening the conversation and providing access to information and support, COPE also serves to prevent the incidence and minimise the impact of emotional and mental health problems that occur in the perinatal period, and to improve the quality of life of those living with these conditions.
“Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around depression generally. We can be our own worst enemies – especially when it comes to parenthood. We need to stop giving each other a hard time and come together with understanding, love and support.
“We are thrilled to be collaborating with Calmbirth so that we can raise awareness and understanding about the range of emotional challenges that can come with having a baby, and also help to reduce distress and identify conditions early. We want parents to know they are NOT alone in their challenges of parenthood. Through providing quality information, COPE helps parents feel supported and feel confident to ask for and get help.
“Through our partnership with Calmbirth, we will ensure that couples have access to the right information and resources from the very beginning of their pregnancy stage, through to the birth and into the post partum period. This is a time when a woman is most at risk of stress, depression and anxiety, and information is key to early detection and seeking the right help for them and their partners”, says the Founder and CEO of COPE, Dr Nicole Highet.
For More information on COPE