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Birth was messy and chaotic and a little bit crazy.

Birth Stories

This is an extra special story to me because Nola is my Granddaughter, precious baby girl! Thank you Febey for sharing your birth story, I cried when I read it, I’m so proud of you both, what a story, it was a privilege to take you through Calmbirth, I’m so pleased it helped you through your birth journey xxx

Birth was messy and chaotic and a little bit crazy. But the whole way through I felt confident in the choices I made as I had the knowledge behind the decisions. Calmbirth provided me with all the information I needed to support each decision and I knew exactly what I was getting into with each intervention method used.

Birth is traumatic.

It is exhausting, painful and emotional. But each night I watch my sleeping baby in the bassinet beside me and wonder how we made such a perfect thing, and all the bad memories of the birth seem insignificant.

The female body is incredible, and I am still in awe at what it can achieve.

We chose to be induced at almost 42 weeks as I had not progressed and was starting to stress about things going wrong. We had hoped for a natural birth, possibly in the bath, but all hopes of those two options soon diminished.

It was a long few days of labour and included almost every intervention possible. A balloon catheter was inserted, I was on a constant syntocin drip, I received an epidural, then her head was too big so they used suction, resulting in an episiotomy. Lastly, she had shoulder dystocia which was luckily relieved through force and had no further complications. I had to have an assisted delivery of the placenta, and several rounds of antibiotics.

Birth was messy and chaotic and a little bit crazy. But the whole way through I felt confident in the choices I made as I had the knowledge behind the decisions. Calmbirth provided me with all the information I needed to support each decision and I knew exactly what I was getting into with each intervention method used.

My husband was the most important person in the birthing room. He supported me in a way no midwife could. Attending the Calmbirth class gave him the power and confidence to take control and assist me at a time when I could not communicate my needs. He asked all the right questions, helped me with my breathing and pain relief, cleaned up after me and knew exactly what I needed in each moment.

When our daughter was born and needed to be taken straight to the neonatal nursery for further care Zac went with her and I did not have a single worry, knowing that he would know exactly what I would want, as Calmbirth also taught him skills in afterbirth care and the importance of things like skin to skin and colostrum etc. immediately after birth. We were taught to have a flexible birth plan and to consider all complications.

Not only did Calmbirth educate me about birth, but it provided me with a connection with other mothers during pregnancy when I was struggling with some of the difficult symptoms and has supported me post birth with the opportunity to meet with other parents. Both of which are very important social and educational opportunities as a first time mum. I highly recommend Calmbirth as the preferred birthing class as it provides personalised, small group education and ongoing postpartum support.

Nola Joy Chugg
Born on the 9th of January 2024 at the LGH (MGP Program).
8lbs 13 ounces
Now three months old and thriving!

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