Blake’s calm entrance to the world…
The gorgeous @sjbickford shares her incredible 3rd birth! Sarah and her husband attended Calmbirth to prepare for a positive birth experience after her previous births, and she has kindly shared her story. She talks about a looming induction date, care provider discussion around “big baby”, informed decisions making, early labour and home and trusting her body and herself to birth her baby during the most empowering journey.
“I think for me, this story begins a few days prior to labour when it was suggested that I get a growth ultrasound at 39 weeks to see how this baby was tracking in size. There was a distinct unspoken tone that because of my 2nd pregnancy/birth, it would be more favourable if I were to be induced once again. The scan came back with a middle number of 4.4kg, but that meant a minimum birth weight of 3.8kg and anywhere up to 5kg. I’d be lying if I said these larger numbers didn’t scare me. I began to unravel at the thought of having to relive another birth where the induction didn’t go smoothly to the point where I was prepped for an emergency C-section, baby was 4.3kg and had shoulder dystocia on the final exit. The midwives were obviously anticipating a similar situation and I started to believe them too. “